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Do you know the people that you meet that just automatically feel like family? That is how the Sanchez family was when we got to Guatemala!

I didn’t want to only post about the preaching and the ministering to people part of my time in Guatemala. A large chunk of my time was also just simply planning and making crafts and games to teach a 5 year old boy his ABC’s and 123’s.

Ministry has been redefined for me in my time in Guatemala. I have never been on a mission trip but I imagined the typical building a ramp or a house for someone in need, long days of house visits and preaching, being spiritually exhausted and pouring out. And yes there have been days of that, meeting physical needs of the people of Chicaman and preaching in the village, but it has also been homeschooling my host families children. 

Meet Aidan! I had the honor of being his teacher during our time in Chicaman. He is a spunky 5 year old boy who is bold in his prayers, always in action, and spirited in his love!

I had to rethink how to teach other than just repetition and verbal cues. My Pinterest board is now filled with number games and crafts to learn each letter. We made igloos, kites, and play-dough letters. We got through A to N in my time. We played dice games and used flashcards and I even busted out an abacus to practice his numbers. I am glad I got the experience of seeing ministry played out in such a different capacity. I got to see a little insight into Jesus saying “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14).

All my time and energy was all worth it and reassuring when I was reading a book to Aidan on the last week and he pointed to the page numbers and said there is a 2 and a 3, my heart literally leapt with joy!! It was proof that even if kids act uninterested and want to be done and do “fun things” they do learn with consistency and patience. 

When heading to Chicaman, our first ministry partner on this 11 month journey, our leadership reminded us that our first ministry is our host family. And let me tell you, we were honored to get to serve this beautiful family. We told them from day 1 that they felt like extended family. It made the transition from our families and friends an easy landing, especially with their loving kids embracing us everyday.

Wesly was a great leader and teacher. He taught us about fasting and showed us what it looks like to answer a calling well. Katie was his wife and a great friend and mentor to us ladies. She spent time teaching us about the Holy Spirit and mentoring us through deliverance ministry to clear the heart and get rid of any strongholds the devil may have gained access to over the years. There was also Hans, he is not a Sanchez by blood or last name but he was a part of this family of mine from Guate. He was a man after God’s heart and a bold and faithful servant of God’s people.

Hosanna was their oldest daughter and boy let me tell you, she was so wise beyond her years! Annahka is the spunky second born, she has a heart that is so deep and this girl loves a snuggle or a good hug! Aidan is my main pupil! This little man’s prayers at the dinner table literally brought me to tears multiple times. And lastly but definitely not least there is Elena. She was a fierce little Chilodes who I know will go far in life.

In giving us our last few week’s schedules, our host, Wesly, ended with “and then I will see you in Heaven.” It was the most honest and hilarious thing I heard come out of Wesly’s mouth. Wesly and Katie have been hosting short term mission groups for 10 years so they know the reality of the fact we may truly not see each other again on this side of Heaven. But I have a sneaky feeling we will certainly see them again before the pearly gates because family makes time for family. But just in case, we WILL see you in Heaven Sanchez Family! 


The Sanchez Family

Maggie & The Funny Guy & Elena


Mikahla & Aidan, Annakah & Joana

Me & Hosanna

 Elena, Aidan, Annakah, Hosanna

My Chicaman Family

5 responses to “See You in Heaven”

  1. Wow! What an amazing experience, Amy! I’m so glad to hear you are enjoying all your hard work and love the pictures!

  2. Your time in Chicaman was truly blessed by the Sanchez family. And they were just as blessed by Gloria a Dios!! I am truly thankful that you were able to minister along with and to such a wonderful family.
    And as a preschool teacher mom, I am so proud of your homeschooling skills!!! Your sweet heart and love for kids always shines through. Love you!!

  3. Family is everything especially when God is in the center of it! After wiping my tears out of the way (AGAIN), I can not think of what to say. I do remember Steve Kinzler said many times that the Scott family always made him feel part of the family. After reading this, it became more vivid how God ties us all together as one big family!! I love you and am very proud of your mission on this mission!!!

  4. I loved reading this!!
    The Sanchez are truly gifted in grafting anyone and everyone in and truly making people feel seen and loved, like family. We love them!!!
    Also…. Maggie Elena and the Funny Guy? Hahaha is that what Joana is known as?
    Thank you for sharing!!

  5. Amazing! God is always so faithful to provide what you need for each step of the journey. So thankful that this was the first step – also a part of his perfect plan. And as your mom said, your teacher skills look fantastic! You have a heart for children like your heart for God – ALL IN!