
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

One night while sharing with my team that I had some feelings I needed to process alone before bringing to them I exclaimed that I was too overly caffeinated and emotionally constipated. And sometimes on the race it be like that.

What I was unable to share at that point was trying to process a part of the race that I never expected and certainly didn’t think would be so hard. Saying goodbye to Alumni SQLs (squad leaders). When we got to launch weekend, we were introduced to 3 beautiful souls Raquel, Samantha, and Aaron. They were our leaders for what I thought would be the extent of the 11 month trip. Each one was friendly and welcoming and I knew I’d be in good hands!

Little did I know that 5 months in I would have bonded with these individuals and would then have to say goodbye. It was even tougher because these folks were fellow wrinkles (aka 26+ year olds on this squad). So not only did we bond over the shared adoration of having the same Savior, but we also shared similar life stages. These 3 had lived enough life to understand there is a world to be explored and most importantly people to share the Good News with!! And that is what they taught us most prevalently.

Let me introduce you to them:

Aaron Wesley Moore
A gifted mouth piece of God! A man for which we all have voice recordings of his worship sessions which brings all the feels. The doxology will NEVER be the same for any of P-Squad thanks to Aaron. This man stands behind the cross leading in servanthood. He is a depth of spiritual wisdom and an endless pool of hugs.

Samantha Rouse
A fellow North Carolinian. This woman is real, raw, and vulnerable. Sometimes Samantha would say things and I was just like “YES!!! Same!!” She is someone who was always willing to sit and have a heart to heart. She leads with humbleness and yet her abundant silliness made a safe and fun environment for everyone around her.

Raquel Portillo
My Tia! An appreciator of life. A small moment grabber. Someone who sees everyone well and is unafraid to approach people with love and truth! We all have our Raquel sayings or now carry plastic silverware everywhere or small salt packages. You cannot meet Raquel and stay unchanged.

We now have raised up squad leaders that are from within our squad which, I feel, were God picked and are leading us well. My grief of the Alumni SQLs was lessened by the fact that they trained up new leaders that I trust and love to support as we are all just on this journey together learning as we go!

Meet my new leaders:

Jordan Bryce Jost
A walking marshmallow heart. A servant minded man after Gods own heart. A protector. And a brother who is always there for you.

Kara Grace Perrault

A passionate pursuer of God and His word. A leader who sees the bigger picture and the group as a whole. A person who seeks growth at all costs. A woman who continuously points us back to Christ and what He has done for us.

Katherine Porzi
A woman who loves peace. A person who is so sacrificial in her leadership. A leader in vulnerability and realness allowing walls to come down. A safe space for all who encounter her.

I am honored to be lead by these humans and love watching as God uses them for His glory!!

5 responses to “Meet my Squad Leaders!”

  1. I am humbled to be your friend, Amy. You are a natural lover of others and have chosen the narrow road which leads to life. You see others with softness and meet people with tremendous grace. Thank you for being a leader in loving others so well!

  2. AMY! How am I just now seeing this??
    You are such a great encourager and I’m thankful to know you!! Praying for you sister, and am certain that the Lord is with you and will never leave you. Goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life, because God is a good Shepherd and the best leader. Love you so much Amy.