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Subscribers: 144


City: Rome, Italy (Central Italy)

Dates: 5/24/24-6/1/24

The Gang:

Mentor(s) – What they taught: Britt Baker – Intercession & Prayer

Local Currency: Euro (1USD = roughly .93EUR)

Favorite Local Food: Nutella Pizza

Local Language: Italian

Common Phrases: Grazie (Thank you), Per favore (Please)

Training Camp Location: Fara Sabina, Italy

What was difficult? Finding my place on the team. I came in intentionally as a student for this trip but with my age and just having led a trip it was challenging for me to turn that part of me off. I found while walking the streets of Rome I was still counting heads and making sure everyone was with us. I am settling into taking a back seat for now, but I’m grateful for the awareness and responsibility God gave me to carry in seasons.

What broke my heart? Learning about the idols of Rome and how rich their history is and some of their strongholds because of their past.

What am I thankful for? Learning new tools to pray. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. So in order to fight this battle our biggest weapon is prayer, I learned some ways to sharpen that blade to help me fight for myself and for those I love.

What did I learn about myself? I enjoy being led but I also love to wander. My favorite moments exploring were the few moments I stepped away from the group to walk around the Colosseum or when I let the bridge outside of the castle (we didn’t make it in time to go inside) draw me in.

What did I learn about God? He is a true comforter. When we feel most alone, He is there and wants us to abide in Him. Abiding in Him is essential to feeling like myself and bearing the fruit I most enjoy in my spirit.

Funniest Moment? Crashing a wedding in one of the Basilicas. We were trying to get up to a higher view point to see the city and we saw a sign for a Basilica which are usually beautiful, so we went in and surprisingly walked in on a wedding that proceeded despite all the tourists coming and going.

Favorite Training Camp Moment? One of our last nights we went around and looked at different items to see what God could speak through. Our Squad Leaders’ 6yr old daughter, Ivy, had answers that were so profound and impactful. It reminded me about how God said we have to come as children (Matthew 18:3 Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven). Hoping I can find more child-like faith like Ivy on this trip!

Favorite Travel Memory? We got to go inside the prison Paul was in when he wrote some of the Holy Bible. The somberness of the cell was amazing. I just stood down there and imagined being in such a place and still being so passionate about Christ that I used my time to write letters of encouragement to my brothers and sisters in faith. On a much lighter note the Trevi fountain and the Colosseum were up there on the list as well.

You know what they say, when in Rome… 

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